Monday, April 20, 2009

Truth and Freedom


What is the truth? That which we see is a simple answer and very difficult to refute. However, if what we see were the truth then truth would change all the time. What is night for one would be day for the other, what is a loss for one would be a gain for the other, what is red for one may be black for the color blind? How is it then truth? Doesn't truth have a ring of absolute correctness?

I was listening to the Ashtavakra Gita today and the notion of truth was discussed. There is nothing but the Self - what is changing is not truth for it changes every second - by the time you notice it - it is already changed and no longer the truth. What doesn't change is one that witnesses it all.

It brought us to the next question then - What is freedom and bondage?

Why does the heart yearn to be free - and free from what? If the truth is so simple then why is freedom so difficult to obtain? It is our past tendencies - our mind that refuses to let go of what it sees, what it tastes, what it smells, what it feels and what it hears. The elements and the senses get in motion, shakti moves and along with it the mind caves in. Oh..what a wonderful game the mind plays on us - and yet we fall prey to it every time - get caught up in the sorrow, the happiness, the greed, the desires - a prey to our senses - the bondage that binds us all! Freedom then is nothing but having the ability to simply let go and realizing that life is in motion - all you have to do is sit back and watch!!

Truly, understanding life is it is very simple!